Ashton Wood - Gwinnett Water / Sewage

The septic tanks within Ashton Wood are generally 30 plus years old and some neighbors had to do extensive work to their septic systems. It would be great to have an option to connect to a sewer line instead of extensive work that would have to be done. There are neighbors who had to do extensive work to their septic tank already. What would happen if and when those fail? What would be the option if there is no sewer line to connect to?

Ashton Wood has petition Gwinnett County Infrastructure Support of Water Resources to study the possibility of installing a sewer line into our subdivision. It would NOT be required for everyone to immediately connect to the sewer line when it is installed. It would give each homeowner an option of timing of the sewer connection.

Right now, we are waiting for the county to get back to us with the correct information for the possibility and installation of the sewer line. After the information is received, we will call for an HOA meeting with the entire subdivision so that everyone has the correct information to work with. There is no need to work with rumors or old facts, we need the current information to work with.

We were told when the petition was given that the timeframe to do the study and get back could take 6 months to a year.